If you or a loved one has been a victim of a slip and fall injury – whether you see it as a minor or major incident, it is important to understand your rights. Too often people want to brush the injury under the carpet and just stop thinking about it… this is the worst thing to do! You need to first seek out a professional and competent legal team that understands the laws surrounding slip and fall injuries. Whether you were injured on personal property, company property or government maintained property, you have rights and you need to understand them.

Slip and fall injuries are sometimes annoying, frustrating or even embarrassing, but they are still painful and can have short term and even long term impact on your life. Your day-to-day functioning may be compromised, perhaps to such a degree that you cannot return to work immediately. Why are you losing time and money from work as well as enduring the pain or frustration of being injured?

Slip and fall injuries can happen anywhere. Sometimes they are just simple accidents that don’t mean that anyone was negligent or at fault, other than the person injured. However, there is a legal term called “occupiers liability” which means that someone or some organization could have been negligent in maintaining their premises to a standard to which they are legally responsible.


Our Free, No Obligation Consultation will give us the opportunity to review your case and determine what you are entitled to. Our guarantee, you pay us nothing unless or until you get paid!

  • Sidewalks (moving or stationary), including curbs
  • Elevators
  • Family, friends’ or neighbours’ homes
  • Parking lots/garages, driveways
  • Public access gyms, pools, parks & playgrounds
  • Grocery or shopping centres
  • Restaurants, pubs, bars and nightclubs
  • Any office, retail or public access facility including place of employment
  • Construction sites, buildings or facilities’ under renovation
  • Stairways, loose handrails

As you can see there are a vast number of opportunities and places where negligence can occur, resulting in you or your loved one becoming injured with a slip and fall injury.

These types of accidents ARE NOT TO BE TAKEN LIGHTLY. Long term effects from these injuries don’t necessary show up right away. Sometimes it is months or years later that you start to understand the COMPLETE impact of a slip and fall injury. You need to first seek medical advice and assistance, then your next step should be to contact our legal team for a FREE CONSULTATION so that you understand your rights and whether you have the right to start a lawsuit. It is your health and no one has the right to compromise it. Let our experienced and professional legal team help you understand your options and what your next steps should be. Don’t guess at what you are entitled to, we’ll let you know the facts!

You tell us about your injuries, and we will let you know if you have a case.