How a Lawyer Can Assist When Your Disability Claim is Denied

Facing a denied disability claim can be disheartening, especially when you need your benefits to manage life with a disability. Understanding the appeal process, insurance regulations, and disability law of Ontario can be overwhelming. In such circumstances, having a dedicated disability lawyer at your side can make all the difference.

Understanding the Denial of Disability Claims

A disability claim might be denied for various reasons. These include medical reasons like lack of substantial proof, administrative reasons such as incomplete paperwork or not meeting the eligibility criteria. The specific grounds for denial will be stated in a denial letter from the insurance company.

Benefits of Hiring a Disability Lawyer

The role of a disability lawyer in the case of a denied claim cannot be overemphasized. Here are some key benefits of having a specialized legal professional by your side:

  1. First-hand Experience: Disability lawyers are experienced with the process and the circumstances that often lead to the denial of claims. They can quickly identify potential pitfalls and know how to overcome them to get your claim approved.
  2. Documentation: A disability claim requires substantial medical evidence, which is often difficult for claimants to compile alone. A lawyer can help you gather all necessary medical records, case history, and essential documents to support your claim more effectively and potentially negotiating a resolution.
  3. Legal Representation: From managing paperwork to presenting your case to potentially negotiating a resolution, most compellingly, a disability lawyer will handle legal procedures, so you can concentrate on your wellbeing.
  4. No Upfront Fees or Hidden Costs: You pay us nothing unless or until you get paid! While other law firms may stipulate that they charge no fees until the case is won, they may well expect you to reimburse them their disbursements- money outlaid by the lawyer for administrative costs, medical records, and experts’ reports, for example, even if they are ultimately unable to assist you.  At Bezaire & Associates we screen our cases carefully, so we can assure our clients that they will only be required to reimburse these disbursements if their case is successful enough to cover those costs- or we absorb them!
  5. Reduced Stress: The process of organizing, submitting, and prosecuting a disability claim can be very stressful and confusing. A lawyer will help you through this difficult time.
  6. Experienced Representation: Bezaire & Associates combines over three decades of experience helping our clients receive the benefits they deserve.

Defending Your Rights in Ontario with a Disability Lawyer

The laws potentially impacting disability claims such as the Ontario Disability Support Program Act, 1997 and the Canadian Human Rights Act are comprehensive and complicated. A specialized disability insurance lawyer understands this legislation and uses that expertise to represent your case effectively.

Denied disability claims can impact your quality of life, financial stability, and future planning. The right legal assistance can ensure that you are not alone in this demoralizing and frustrating period of your life. The skilled disability insurance lawyers at Bezaire & Associates can handle the complexities of the law, battle the insurance company on your terms, and help you regain control of your life. Our team has the experience, knowledge and compassion to help you negotiate through this difficult time. We understand that having a disability is not an easy thing to endure; we are here for you every step of the way.

Don’t lose hope; a denied disability claim is not the end of your journey. With the right legal assistance, your chances of overturning a denial of your deserved benefits increase significantly. Stand up for your rights and let an experienced disability lawyer guide you through to a successful resolution.